Keller Williams Realty - Heather Morrison

Blog post August: Summer’s Last Stand

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It’s August and Texas is of course HOT! The intense summer temperatures mirror the heated pre-election season in our nation, one of the most turbulent in history. In today’s highly polarized society, it is becoming increasingly important for businesses and individuals alike to learn the art of separating people from their politics. This skill is crucial in maintaining productive relationships, fostering inclusive environments, and ensuring that personal beliefs do not interfere with professional or personal interactions.

In the business world, particularly in real estate, the ability to engage with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders from all political spectrums can be a significant asset. For instance, a real estate agent working in a diverse community must be adept at interacting with clients who may have different political views, focusing on common goals to avoid potential conflicts. I have many friends and clients on each end of the political spectrum and would never be able to let them go because of different views. In my opinion, that’s what makes America a special place.

Interestingly, in the current environment, it’s up in the air whether I would have even been born. You couldn’t find two more politically opposite spouses than my parents. While Dad had Fox News blaring in the den all day long, my mother religiously watched Bill Maher on HBO on the bedroom TV. They agreed to live and let live and remained on utter opposite sides of the political spectrum until death did them part. It worked! They exemplified how differing political beliefs need not be a barrier to personal relationships.

As we navigate the sweltering days of August and the complexities of our political landscape, let’s remember the importance of empathy and open-mindedness. By separating people from their politics, we can build stronger, more inclusive communities where everyone feels valued and heard – even if there are two TV shows airing in the same house.

Switching gears…let’s talk about the Salm Index (aka the Sahm Rule Recession Indicator) which is a tool used to signal the start of a recession. It does this by monitoring the national unemployment rate (U3). Specifically, it indicates a recession when the three-month moving average of the unemployment rate rises by 0.50 percentage points or more relative to its lowest point in the previous 12 months.

As of June 2024, the Sahm Index stands at 0.43%. This is up from 0.37% in May 2024 and significantly higher than 0.07% in June 2023. This increase suggests that while the index has not yet hit the 0.50% threshold to officially signal a recession, it is showing an upward trend in unemployment, which could be a warning sign for economic downturns. Others say, well, we are at about 4% unemployment – don’t worry – and the impending FED rate cuts will get us moving. Others: let’s see who wins the election. And we’re back to politics!

So take a stand for democracy and be sure to vote. And also, be kind to those who may vote a different way.

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